Amanda Lynn
San Juan Community Home Trust
San Juan Island
“The Home Trust's mission is to create permanently affordable housing for low- and moderate-income island residents, promoting economic diversity and a sustainable community. Our work benefits from the San Juan County Conservation Land Bank and the real estate excise tax (REET). The housing-only REET, enabled by the Land Bank, funds stable housing, impacting employers and neighbors. Join us in voting Yes for the renewal of the Land Bank to support island health, well-being, and our Housing Fund.”

Shaun Hubbard & Harold Kawaguchi
San Juan Island
“This land is all of our land. Conserving land and its history for future generations ensures that our island’s special places - from farmlands to forests - will be protected and shared, forever. We are lucky to have a unique conservation land bank in our county to help us do that. Without our San Juan County Conservation Land Bank, there would be very little special left.”

Angela Anderson
The San Juan Preservation Trust
Orcas Island
“San Juan County is extraordinarily fortunate to have a Conservation Land Bank; it's the one and only county in the state that has a Land Bank. As the Executive Director of the San Juan Preservation Trust, I deeply value the partnership and the conservation impact that we have together. The San Juans need an on-going concerted effort from private and public spheres to ensure the treasured qualities of the islands endure for generations to come.”

Jessica Dahl 
Field & Grove Design Studio
Lopez Island
“The SJC Land Bank protects critical and beautiful parts of our archipelago while providing sensitive access to many of these places for locals and visitors alike to connect to nature and place. This goes hand in hand with the sustainable site planning that Field & Grove works with clients to achieve, but on a public scale. Our county would not be nearly the magical place it is without the SJC Land Bank and its decades of work.”

Anita Orne
Orcas Island
“As the world and our precious little corner of it gets more and more populated, preservation efforts by organizations such as the Land Bank are more and more vital. As a longtime islander, I have always appreciated this preservation of what makes our home so special - the land around us. When we purchased our property, I was pleased and honored that a small part of our purchase went toward this effort. I hope, going forward, that those who invest in the island personally through their purchases of land and homes also get this chance to invest in it for all, and for the future.”

Sophie Parker, Aloysia Friedmann & Jon Kimura Parker
“We are so grateful to live in such a beautiful place and we support the Land Bank’s initiative to help protect and preserve the natural beauty around us.”

Kari McVeigh
San Juan Island
“The Land Bank ensures a resilient ecological future for our islands!”

Kyle Loring
San Juan Island
“On islands where much of the shoreline and panoramas are privately owned, the Land Bank offers all of us places where we can explore the waters and beautiful vistas that surround us. Not to mention forested lands where we might have the good fortune of encountering the occasional pileated woodpecker or river otter. And all that for a one-time fee when buying property.”

Steve Snowden
Lopez Island
“I strongly believe that the Land Bank is one of the best institutions in San Juan County, and wholeheartedly endorse its renewal. It has been very successful at preserving our environmentally sensitive areas, the scenic aspects of our shorelines and hills, and maintaining farm lands and farming with minimal costs to San Juan County residents.”

John & Louise Dustrude
San Juan Island
“We have enjoyed hiking the land conserved by the Land Bank since its inception, and welcome exploring the new purchases as they occur. We loved living here before the Land Bank existed, but its purchases and stewardship have added immeasurably to our enjoyment.”

Michael Riordan
Orcas Island
“We need to preserve natural open spaces, both for recreational purposes like hiking and to give local flora and fauna places to thrive.”

Lopez Island
“There is a limited amount of undeveloped land left in the San Juans. It is our responsibility to protect what we can of it. Not only for public use, but for all the wild creatures big and small that depend on wild lands staying wild. ”

Tyler Howe
San Juan Island
“Trails in the woods make for healthier, happier people and serve the community way more than a multi million dollar house. And local food is more important than we realize. ”

Sandi Friel
T Williams Realty
Orcas Island
“We live 10 minutes from Turtleback and it greatly adds to our quality of life. Though I have to say, the smaller preserves might be my favorites – Judd Cove, Crescent Beach (the woodland walk) and Coho! And I’m excited to explore the tidepools at the new North Shore Preserve. Coming from a state where the landscape continues to change rapidly due to development, it’s very calming to know that in the San Juans we’re setting aside areas to protect before it’s too late. Having served on the Land Bank Commission, I’m very confident the program is being well-managed, and our preserves well cared for. Renew! ”

Brent Charnley & Maggie Nilan
Lopez Island
“Preservation of natural areas and access for public enjoyment is part of what makes life on the island so great.”

Sandy Bishop
Lopez Community Land Trust
Lopez Island
“The San Juan County Land Bank is an important partner in land stewardship and community access.”

Faith VanDePutte and David Bill
Lopez Island
“Preservation of natural and agricultural lands”

Paul S. Henriksen
Lopez Island
“It is critical that we continue to preserve public spaces, both for recreation and to save critical habitat. I also like the idea that these properties will not be developed. I do not want to see total build out in these islands.”

Glen & Deb Bruels
San Juan Island
“One of the reasons we chose to live in the San Juan Islands was the pristine nature of the environment and the demonstrated commitment to conservation and preservation of our island home for future generations. This was not just about pleasing aesthetics; it also included a recognition of the fragility of our ecosystems and the critical symbiosis with the creatures that call this place home or are migrating on their way to other places. The San Juan County Conservation Land Bank is one of the key partners in making this commitment a reality — providing the stewardship for lands that are acquired or have a conservation easement. The Land Bank REET has been an effective tool in executing their mission since 1990 and only impacts purchasers of real estate. I daresay it is a price they are willing to pay to keep the home we all love as nature intended it.”

Mark & Mary Jane Anderson
San Juan Island
“The Land Bank has improved the environment and the quality of life for all San Juan County residents. We are grateful for the wisdom of San Juan County voters in supporting this program and hope that it will continue for a very long time.”

Nick Coffey
Ursa Minor
Lopez Island
“The Land Bank’s stewardship of the preserves have always impressed us. It is a big reason we moved here to open our restaurant. ”

Leonie Van Gelder
Orcas Island
“Let's protect the earth and her natural landscapes.”

Barbara Schultheiss
Lopez Island Family Resource Center
Lopez Island
“Crucial to support existing and expand to more conservation areas that the public can enjoy which creates a strong commitment to protect our precious and beautiful islands. Also sustains the Home Fund which is vital to the health and well-being to help solve the housing shortage crisis. Our neighbors deserve safe and secure housing.”

Tracey Cottingham & Povl Lasbo
Lopez Island
“We Vote Yes! Renew!
We treasure our Conservation Land Bank, for all the hard work and success of the past 34 years, creating the landscapes secured for the next generations of Folk, Families, Flora and Fauna. Let us all stand together on the shoreline, the healthy forests, preserved wetlands, and highest viewpoints, and shout, Three Cheers for the Land Bank.”

Bob Davison
Orcas Island
“The Land Bank helps maintain nature’s resilience in the face of a changing climate and expanding population. A resilient natural world is key to maintaining our quality of life in the Islands during the years ahead.”

Connie Holz
Lopez Island
“We need to preserve the islands and its lands for now and for the next generations. As an educator from Lopez Island, I must speak for the children and speak out to preserve the lands for them and their children. We can’t be shortsighted, but see the long term benefits of protecting our islands.”

Barbara Rosenkotter
Orcas Island
“The San Juans are quite special providing important habitats for many plants and animals. And also amazing places for us to experience and enjoy. Renewing the Conservation Land Bank ensures these special places remain special for generations to come.”

Mike Vouri
San Juan Island
“It is essential that for the benefit of ourselves and generations to come that we preserve the rural character of our island. The formation of the Land Bank and the preservation and protection of the lands it has acquired over the years is a critical element in ensuring that future. ”

Shannon Wyss
Orcas Island
“The Land Bank serves a critical purpose of preserving valuable land that would otherwise be sucked up by developers. Thank you for your work!”

Bill Johnson
Lopez Island
“To support Affordable Housing and Conservation”

Kari Van Gelder
Orcas Island
“A strong island’s community is founded on mixed use for land. Conservation is necessary to our healthy, vibrant future, and I thank the voters of San Juan County for approving the Land Bank in 1990. So much collective, long- term good has come from that decision, and will continue to do so with the Land Bank's renewal.”

Aimee Nassoiy
Lopez Island
“Preserving land on our islands is so important. The health benefits of spending time outside, in beauty are well documented. Access to our beautiful island lands for the public brings more equity to how the entire community can enjoy access to the outdoors, particularly around our waters.”

Nancy DeVaux
San Juan Island
“The Land Bank (and the Home Fund) are two of the best things the citizens of San Juan County have accomplished. Both contribute to our excellent quality of life in the islands!”

Donna Hasbrouck
Lopez Island
“The SJC Land Bank protects critical and unique habitat while providing access to many of these places for locals and visitors alike to connect to nature and place. As a working class citizen, I truly appreciate the role the Land Bank also plays in working towards affordable housing. They are one important piece to keeping the San Juan Islands sustainable and available to all ”

Jon Howe
San Juan Island
“I go for a walk on Land Bank property every other day. The value of public lands enhances the value of our existing properties. For ONLY a 1% tax, the Land Bank is sustainably managing public lands for the long-term benefit of ALL of us rather than allowing those lands to feed short term profits for a few of us. For ONLY a 1% tax, property buyers also buy into being a good neighbor. The impulse behind the Land Bank and the Home Fund (both beneficiaries of the 1% tax) is generous and wise. Vote FOR being a good neighbor, vote FOR the long term, vote FOR generosity, vote FOR the Land Bank and Home Fund.”

Carson Sprenger
Orcas Island
“The Land Bank remains at the forefront of tangible efforts to preserve the biological heritage of the San Juan Islands. I fully support the renewal of the Land Bank.”

Judy Whiting
Orcas Island
“ I am thrilled to know the Land Bank is giving focus to its stewardship responsibilities. Acquisitions are exciting. But stewardship is forever. Please help renew our land bank.”

Jane Wentworth
San Juan Island
“Our county is exemplary in having a small tax on real estate sales to fund land and open space conservation and affordable housing. This system works extremely well and should be continued. The amount of conserved land for all of us to enjoy is a blessing in these islands and adds to the quality of life. The Land Bank is doing a great job!”

Elaine Shiozawa
Orcas Island
“I love walking in the Crescent Beach and Coho Preserves, and for me, Eastsound Waterfront Park is a little blue-green gem in the middle of the village. I'm grateful for the Land Bank's stewardship in protecting our forests and wildlife, restoring wetlands and promoting the planting of native wildflowers. Lastly, support for the Conservation Land Bank translates into support for affordable housing in San Juan County -- both are essential for a healthy, sustainable community.”

Amanda Azous
San Juan Island
“The Land Bank is one of the best reasons to live in the San Juan Islands. When you buy property, you pay towards the beauty that brought you here. It’s a fair one-time tax that has protected so many places I and my family love. Thank you Conservation Land Bank!”

Alison Johnston Lohrey
San Juan Island
“Being an island resident since 1981, for forty three years my family and I have benefited from all the preserved lands and endorse 100% the continuance of the Land Bank. I am very proud to be part of a community so engaged in preserving and stewarding nature. This is a treasure and our legacy.”

Tom & Tammy Cowan
Lopez Island
“The Land Bank continues to conserve and protect our critical open spaces and natural areas.”

Bruce Botts
Lopez Island
“ Belief in the Land Bank”

Brian Wiese
Orcas Island
“1-1/2% once in a lifetime for community housing now and natural land preservation forever?! That's an investment I'm glad to make and a 1-1/2% club I'm proud to be part of.”

Jennifer Harris
Catkin Horticultural Arts
San Juan Island
“I believe that preserving and increasing the access to land for all is essential in these times of biodiversity loss (and hopefully recovery) and reduced inter-species connection and understanding. Having grown up on a large ranch which was entrusted to the public at the very beginning of the movement to preserve land for all, I have seen first hand the huge benefit to all creatures, human and more-than-human alike, by this extraordinary act of foresight. The Land Bank is doing this work here in an extraordinary way, supported by the citizenry, and if we have the foresight and wisdom to continue our descendants will thank us as I thank my ancestors. ”

Rick Hughes
Ray’s General Store and Pharmacy Orcas Island
“The Land Bank is the Heart and soul of San Juan County. We live in a beautiful community and the Land Bank helps us protect that beauty and preserve these treasures for future generations. I’m proud that San Juan County is the only county in Washington state with a citizens passed and supported land bank. The Land Bank is needed for now and generations to come. Please join me is supporting the renewal of the San Juan County Land Bank!”

Jean Lyle
Orcas Island
“I wish to see Conservation Land Bank continue protecting our water, forests and farmland, and the Home Fund for affordable housing.”

Meghan Howard
San Juan Preservation Trust
Orcas Island
“Conservation is critical to our community’s well-being.”

R. Brent Lyles
San Juan Island
“The Land Bank has done tremendous good for these islands over the years, and that work will become even more important in the coming decades.”

Chris & Betsy Pope
San Juan Island
“The Land Bank's excellent conservation program is vital to the health of our island, helping to preserve water availability, wildlife habitat, fire-safe environs, and quality of life for all. In addition, its success makes possible the Home Fund, supporting desperately needed affordable housing. A win-win.”

Stephen Shubert
San Juan Island
“It is important to conserve or use land for the betterment of the environment and the islands’ population.”

Robert Harrison
Robert S. Harrison Photography
Lopez Island
“I fully support the Land Bank's mission of preserving natural lands in the islands. In addition to the joy that it brings to me and my family, it also provide great locations for photography session for my business.”

John Clancy
Orcas Island
“The Land Bank does a good and necessary job responsibly and efficiently. I'm grateful for it. I support it.”

Marty Clark
Lopez Island
“The Land Bank preserves so much of why we choose to live here-open vistas, public places to walk in beauty, keeping big trees alive to pump out clean air, and valuing a piece of earth for itself, alone. It’s hard to imagine our community without the land already preserved, or the land still to be saved, but if you question the cost, try it. Imagine Lopez Hill covered in houses, or Watmough Bay with a five bedroom mansion and a big fence to keep us all out. Look at the Land Bank land near you, and imagine what it could be without preservation. For me, the cost is well worth it. I “own” and have access to land all over the San Juans.”

Steve Ulvi
San Juan Island
“The Conservation Land Bank has been fulfilling its mission exceptionally well. The current shift to durable stewardship, connecting the largest parcels and precisely targeted acquisitions is appropriate as is the emphasis on climate change resilience. The indisputable fact that our critical Housing Fund and REET are tied to this renewal cycle makes this vote imperative for the future well- being of our communities.”

Lisa Geddes
Lopez Island
“As a long time resident of Lopez Island, it's clear to me that the quality of life on the island has always depended on the preservation of our wild lands, as well as the availability of affordable housing in order to maintain a vibrant, engaged, and diverse population.”

Elisabeth Robson
Lopez Island
“Humanity has set in motion the sixth mass extinction, primarily caused by catastrophic habitat loss from development and pollution. Conserving land in the county is critical to protecting wildlife, and providing space for plants and animals to thrive in the few areas that are not being developed for homes and agriculture. Humans have largely replaced wildlife on Earth: humans and livestock now account for 96% of all vertebrates on Earth, and we have caused the loss of 83% of all wild mammals and half of plants. The domesticated chicken is now the most populous bird on Earth. It is absolutely critical that we conserve land for wildlife habitat and native plants.”

Janet Alderton
Orcas Island
“The Land Bank protects and makes accessible so many of our islands' special places. They also work to improve the habitat health and wildfire resistance of the Land Bank lands and waters.”

Lorraine & John Littlewood
San Juan Island
“The Land Bank is essential to the effort to preserve and protect the rural, natural, and undeveloped qualities that we residents treasure and visitors travel here to experience.”

Julie Brunner
Orcas Island
“I support the Land Bank's mission as well as that of the San Juan County Home Fund, and we need them both for our community to remain what it is today.”

Becky Kilpatrick
San Juan Island
“Keeping our islands beautiful. ”

Polly Ham
Lopez Island
“It’s enabled such important land preservation for the islands!”

Greg Oaksen
Orcas Island
“I endorse the efforts of the Land Bank to preserve beautiful Orcas Island for future generations.

If we don't act NOW we will lose a precious environment that also supports a wonderful community.

We have to recognize that carrying capacity of Orcas Island is limited.”

Patty Garcia
San Juan Island
“We are fortunate in so many ways to live in the San Juan Islands. The Land Bank is one of those. Setting property aside for the enjoyment of all members of this community (including wildlife and natural foliage) benefits us all. I have mobility issues and cannot access many of the parcels available for hiking and other activities, but I benefit from their existence. I am especially thankful for being able to enjoy the view on the Mt. Grant land, as it can be reached by car. The Overmarsh Farm Commons being developed on San Juan Island Land Bank property will add to our community in new ways.”

Justin Paulsen
Orcas Island
“I wholeheartedly support the work of the Land Bank. The Land Bank and its partners have helped to secure vital pieces of our island communities which may have been lost to development. Land secured under the program provides opportunities for agriculture, recreation and resource protection which would not otherwise exist. The Land Bank REET also provides critical funding for affordable housing in the County. I support continued funding of the Land Bank so that they may build upon the work they have accomplished and properly steward the community assets that provide open public spaces for all.”

John Helding
Lopez Island
“The Land Bank is an unique and extraordinary program that does so much to preserve these unique and extraordinary islands. The Land Bank is an efficient and highly effective program that protects the public lands our island community desperately needs. Renew the Land Bank! Protect our San Juan Islands!”

Heather Dew Oaksen
Orcas Island
“The Conservation Land Bank and Home Fund have and will continue to benefit all who call the San Juan Islands home. Both programs help promote a diverse community living in harmony within an accessible, protected natural environment. The rural character we love depends both.”

Mary Campanella
San Juan Island
“Affordable housing and Climate sustainability.”

Michael & Wendy Mickle
Lopez Island
“We really appreciate the work that the Land Bank has done both in preserving fragile places and in having a variety of preserves open for public use. This has added to the pleasure of living in San Juan County, and we would like to see this work continue.”

Liz Scranton
Lopez Island
“Access to the natural world is critical to my health and happiness. Land bank properties are important for our children’s future and improve our quality of life.”

Boyd C. Pratt
San Juan Island
“Love the Land Bank: awesome natural environments with great trail systems!”

Jonathan McVey
San Juan Island
“I support the Land Bank because protecting our natural resources is crucial amid inevitable development. This program ensures everyone has access to nature while safeguarding clean water and preparing for wildfires. It also supports the incredible flora and fauna that make our islands special. Additionally, it funds affordable housing, helping to create a stable community. Preserving these natural assets benefits all of us and is essential for the well-being of our community and environment. ”

Kathleen Foley Lewis
San Juan Preservation Trust
San Juan Island
“The Land Bank is a very unique organization, and a model that has been used successfully in conserving land in other island communities in the U.S. Conservation of shorelines, agricultural areas, healthy forests, and rare prairie ecosystems is an expensive proposition. By having a dedicated source of revenue to purchase land through the real estate excise tax, leveraged with private fundraising efforts by the San Juan Preservation Trust, we have kept the ecological integrity of our islands intact. The Land Bank are impeccable stewards of the land they have protected-- they have created delightful natural areas where the public can enjoy low-impact recreation; are employing forward-thinking climate change mitigation strategies, are restoring damaged systems back to ecological function; and are building coalitions of many constituents (farmers, our indigenous neighbors, recreation enthusiasts, etc.). San Juan County should be proud to be one of only three places in the nation that have employed the Conservation Land Bank-- it speaks well of the stewardship ethos of our community. ”

Steve & Shannon Wilbur
Lopez Island
“We have lived on Lopez Island for 22 years and often go hiking in areas preserved and managed by the Land Bank, as well as taking visiting friends and family to experience the amazing spaces and views. Having access to those public spaces that are managed by the Land Bank are one of the elements that make this island such a special place to live.”

Lisa Nash Lawrence
San Juan Island
“Preserving the island's natural spaces is essential for clean water, farms, forest, wildlife & wonder. With Affordable Housing linked to the Conservation Land Bank we have a balanced plan for a healthy future. The Land Bank has more work to do! ”

Suzanne Berry
Lopez Island
“This is an unbelievably smart program, using monies from real estate sales to preserve land in these islands for islanders’ use, in addition to maintaining undeveloped lands for wildlife, plants and future generations. Add the bonus that some of these monies are used to support affordable housing projects for critical island families. This is a program we can’t afford to lose.”

Wendy McClure
Lopez Island
“The Land Bank protects and preserves precious natural lands for all to enjoy, while ensuring these special places remain available for generations to come, meaning humans, animals and plants.”

Alicia McVey
San Juan Island
“I endorse the Land Bank because it supports affordable housing, ensures access to shorelines for everyone, and protects wildlife habitats. This program smartly uses funds from real estate sales to preserve land for islanders and maintain undeveloped areas for future generations. It's an invaluable resource that benefits both people and nature, and we can't afford to lose it.”

Thomas Donnelly MD
San Juan Island
“Access to nature and trails centers me and give me joy. I thank the Land Bank for the wonderful opportunities their efforts have provided all of us, not just the few.”

Nancy Greene
Lopez Island
“The Land Bank is responsible for helping protect the unique qualities of our beautiful islands for everyone - residents and visitors alike. Through its conservation efforts, we all benefit.”

Barbara Courtney
Orcas Island
“The Land Bank does amazing work, and I can't imagine our island county without it or the conserved land it has permanently protected.”

Art Lange
Orcas Island
“I support what the Land Bank does to conserve lands that are precious.”

Eros Belliveau
OPAL Community Land Trust (Homeowner).
Orcas Island
“The land bank continues to improve the quality of life for islanders, and nature. Let's preserve the future of our beautiful home, the San Juan Islands!”

Jeanne Beck
Orcas Island
“Affordable housing is critical to our community. Specifically, housing that is permanently affordable through the land trust model. It's one of the best ways that a community can invest in itself. ”

Leonie Van Gelder
Orcas Island
“I believe in the mandate of the Land Bank. "To preserve in perpetuity areas in the county that have environmental, agricultural, aesthetic, cultural, scientific, historic, scenic or low-intensity recreational value and to protect existing and future sources of potable water." The Land Bank mandate is essential to the future of our communities.”

Leslie & Val Veirs
San Juan Island
“We believe that regular people benefit from access to diverse nature and that a small tax raising money mostly from multi-million dollar property sales has served all of us well and should be continued.”

Jami Mitchell
Orcas Island
“Preserve land and support housing”

Peggy Bill
Lopez Island
“SJC Conservation Land Bank is an incredibly visionary and rare asset that offers lasting benefits to our island community. We all benefit from Land Bank actions to preserve and thoughtfully steward wildlife habitat, natural area preserves for low impact recreation, agricultural lands, and other iconic areas that reflect the best of the island landscapes. ”

Laurie St Aubin & Eric Paerels
Orcas Island
“What sets our islands apart from the hustle and bustle of the mainland is the comforting feeling of space, where the eye and mind can wander, where the hiker can roam and where the ‘painter’ in all of us creates scenes of rural farms and green mountains. The Land Bank plays a significant part in preserving those glorious ‘green spaces’ our souls yearn for and our continued health requires.”

Anne Marie Shanks
Orcas Island
“Sustaining our extraordinary lands, water and wildlife, while enabling families to live in affordable housing are priorities I want to continue for future generations. A vote for the Land Bank is a vote for affordable housing.”

Maureen See
San Juan Island
“Land Bank gives us a priceless gift every year by keeping the islands rural and wild, giving us incredible hiking areas, and providing natural landscapes for all to see. I cannot imagine life here without Land Bank.”

Mark Madsen
San Juan Island
“I fully support the Land Bank and want it to continue creating community-owned properties that everyone can enjoy, and that we can pass down to the next generation intact. We are unique in Washington State in taking advantage of the ability to have a dedicated Land Bank, and it has been remarkably successful in preserving some very special places in the islands. I wholeheartedly support renewal and want to see the Land Bank keep fulfilling its mission. We are lucky to have it!”

Lexi Taylor
Lopez Island
“Lopez has been the greatest supporter of the REET which means The Land Bank can continue to preserve land on our beloved islands.”

Richard & Susan Grout
San Juan Island
“Land Bank is so important and well loved by a vast number of island residents. We’re grateful for every bit of the property. ”

Chris Greacen
Lopez Island
“I love running on Lopez Hill.”

Marilyn O'Connor
San Juan Island
“Protecting land and habitat for the future is the best thing we can do in these islands today. This is a special place and we are fortunate to have the Conservation Land Bank working toward these critical goals.”

Chary Caren
San Juan Island
“Preservation of island land in perpetuity. Creation of essential permanently affordable housing”

Suzanne Olson
Orcas Island
“These funds are critical for creating affordable housing for our County - we can’t afford to lose momentum. ”

Patsy and Shel Haber
Lopez Island
“As we watch the continued growth and development in San Juan County, we are so grateful for the lands that have been preserved by the Land Bank. We love being able to hike and enjoy the natural beauty of these special places and know they will be preserved for perpetuity and that new acquisitions will be possible by the continuance of the Land Bank REET tax.”

Qasim Ali Dino
OPAL Community Land Trust
Orcas Island
“Renewing the Land Bank is about more than conservation; it's about nurturing a sustainable future, enhancing community well-being and preserving the natural beauty that defines our region. It's an investment we owe to ourselves and future generations.”

Dean Dougherty
Orcas Island
“The San Juan County Conservation Land Bank has done crucial work preserving the habitats and culture of our islands, but there is more work to be done. Please renew this fall!”

Janis Miltenberger
Lopez Island
“Preserving land is essential for wildlife and wellbeing.”

Becky Kilpatrick
San Juan Island
“The islands are a very vulnerable ecosystem. Keeping lots of undeveloped land is critical to the health and welfare of our communities.”

Craig Canine
Orcas Island
“We need both the Conservation Land Bank and the San Juan Preservation Trust, with their complementary strengths and funding sources (public AND private) to ensure that the natural places we all love will still be here for future generations to cherish and care for. ”

Lars Henriksen
Lopez Island
“As more people discover the San Juans, it is crucial that the Land Bank continues its efforts to preserve the natural beauty of our islands, ensuring that both old-timers and newcomers can enjoy them for generations to come.”

Erin Halcomb
San Juan Island
“To protect natural areas.”

Kurt Fuller
Lopez Island
“I believe in the Land Bank mission statement. Their dedicated team does an outstanding job preserving, stewarding and providing access to many special outdoor spaces throughout the county for generations to come. Approval of the Land Bank renewal also provides a continuation of the Home Fund REET, which helps fund affordable housing in San Juan County.”

Mandy Randolph
TWilliams Realty
Orcas Island
“I value land being a available for EVERYONE to enjoy!”

Linda Ellsworth
Orcas Island
“It’s important to preserve natural places for the benefit of plants and animals and also to provide opportunities for people to connect with nature.”

Raven Preston
Orcas Island
“The Land Bank helps preserve the beauty of the San Juans. One thing they are not making anymore is land, we should preserve it. Byproducts of its preservation will result in improved mental health of the community and climate change resistant environment.”

David Dehlendorf
San Juan Island
“The renewal of the levy will enable the Land Bank to continue its fine work of the last 34 years to preserve the scenic, agricultural, and forest values of our county, as well as to expand its development of trails and other recreational activities.”

Stephen & Laura Adams
Lopez Island
“Protects our rural community.”

Joseph Cohen
Orcas Island
“In 34 years of operation there is great progress and much good achieved. The next 14 years will provide a period of consolidation and stewardship - ensuring Land Bank assets are maintained in perpetuity.”

Mark & Yoshi O'Connor
San Juan Island
“We endorse this proposition because (1) It is NOT a tax for existing home owners, (2) It promotes the health and welfare of island living through open space, and (3) It increases real estate values for existing residents by promoting open space and housing for existing residents. It is nearly all positive with no negatives. ”

Jim Lawrence
San Juan Island
“Open Space is a benefit to our entire community. ”

Peter Kilpatrick
San Juan Island
“I have supported the Land Bank since its formation.”

Sheila Gaquin
Orcas Island
“We enjoy visiting the many Land Bank properties and fully support the housing REET attached to it.”

Poke Haffner
Orcas Island
“The areas that the Land Bank cares for are treasures in this county. Many offer access to people like me, who get to walk in them or otherwise enjoy them. Without the Land Bank, public access to places like Crescent Beach would be far more restricted if not entirely off limits.”

Beth St. George
Lopez Island
“I have lived on Lopez Island full-time for ten years. I visit at least one of the eight Land Bank properties weekly to bird and observe nature, walk, and find solace and wonder. I lead bird walks for all ages and collect data for community science projects such as the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count and eBird at many Land Bank sites.

On a personal note, the first person my deceased husband, David St. George, and I met when we moved to Lopez was former Land Steward Tim Clark. We were hiking on Lopez Hill. Tim welcomed us and we became friends. David was the Lopez County Parks Manager and played a large role in caring for Hummel Lake and Fisherman Bay Preserves. I can’t imagine not being able to visit these places where David and I spent so many joyful hours together. I commend Tim and current steward, Amanda Wedow, for all their good stewarding.

I consider these lands sacred places for all beings, both human and non-human. The three Fisherman Bay Preserves, Channel Preserve, Spencer Spit Preserve, Hummel Lake Preserve, Lopez Hill Preserve, and Watmough Bay Preserve give us so much – clean air and water, abundant flora and fauna, solace, peace and quiet, to name but a few – and take nothing. It is our duty to care for and preserve these sacred lands. They are as valuable to me as my body, mind, and spirit.”

David and Geri Turnoy
Orcas Island
“We support the preservation of open space and places of natural beauty, as they add quality to the lives of all of us.”

Jon Howe
San Juan Island
“In the long-term, I'd much rather share protected public lands than navigate between crowded private properties. The islands cannot sustain an unlimited population. Public lands enrich our lives here more than financially. The Land Bank is a long overdue model of stewardship that the whole world needs. ”

Mary-lynn Ballew
Lopez Island
“I appreciate being able to experience the beauty and awe of the unique natural spaces that are protected by the land bank. I like that some of the islands most special areas can be shared by all. ”

Ruth and David Mahan
San Juan Island
“The islands would be a very different place without the Land Bank.”

Robin Donnelly
San Juan Island
“The San Juan Islands Land Bank is by far the way to preserve our precious island resources.”

Scott J. Rozenbaum
Rozewood Environmental
Services, Inc.
Lopez Island
“I have lived and worked in San Juan County for 28 years doing environmental consulting work, primarily in realms of wetlands, streams, soil science, restoration and enhancement, and permitting. Over the decades I have worked on many parcels to assist the SJC Conservation Land Bank, and have collaborated with their competent staff of ecologists and biologists. The Conservation Land Bank has been the lead County entity spearheading land conservation, environmental restoration, watershed protection, public access, historic and agricultural preservation, upland and wetland management and replanting, water quality improvement, and increasing vegetative cover and resilience. Our island communities and ecosystems have benefitted greatly from the accomplishments of this program and its dedicated group of professionals and volunteers. Please support the continuance of the Land Bank program and its mission. ”

Steve Porten and Shann Weston
San Juan Island
“Protecting some land from further development.”

Stephanie Smith
Holly B's Bakery
Lopez Island
“As a business owner I see the direct result of lack of staffing related to lack of affordable housing. As a community member, I'd like to see all members of our community have access to affordable and safe housing, which in turn helps supports a vibrant community. Through the efforts of the land bank we can continue to fund affordable housing, as well as protect beautiful and unique lands for all of us to enjoy.”

John Howell
San Juan Preservation Trust
San Juan Island
“The Land Bank protects places that make the San Juan's magical, and provides public access to many places that we would not otherwise be able to enjoy. And it does this incredible work without taxing local residents, and it has been able to leverage a great deal of other funds to protect these lands and waters. It's a no brainer. ”

Lois Moore
San Juan Island
“I see the Land Bank's presence as integral to our islands' ecology and community. On our island, in particular, I see immense value in its support for working farms and its contributions to affordable housing.”

Nancy Ewert
Lopez Island
“I consider myself most fortunate to live near one of the Land Bank properties on Lopez Island and have spent many hours of my 35 years on Lopez enjoying this and other beautifully cared for Land Bank properties. The Land Bank is an important contribution to our unique and valued life here. It is hard to imagine life here without these properties. I wholeheartedly endorse the campaign to Renew our Land Bank!”

Darcie L Nielsen
San Juan Island
“More than ever, we need the Land Bank and the Home Fund to preserve what is special about the islands - our natural areas and our community.”

Sue Roundy
Lopez Island
“Dale and I strongly support continuing this brilliant idea! The 1% Conservation Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) paid at closing by purchasers of property in San Juan County funds the Land Bank. These well managed funds preserve and improve our lives countywide. There is no reason not renew it!”

Chuenchom Greacen
Lopez Island
“Sense of place, environmental protection, enabling of support mechanism for affordable housing, and all these with predominantly dollars from people outside the county.”

Norris & Peter Carlson
Orcas Island
“We believe that the Land Bank is a vital part of this island community, and that it must be renewed. Every day, we benefit from their vision and hard work: whether it's hiking Turtleback Mountain, picking up eggs from the Lums at Coffelt Farm, or helping in the effort to preserve the salmon run at Cascade Creek, the Land Bank is an impactful and necessary element of our shared well-being and quality of life. We support its legacy of stewardship to continue their thoughtful care and conservation of this beautiful place for all of San Juan County's future generations.”

Jane Ward
Lopez Island
“The use of taxation to fund necessary protection of open space, habitat, recreation, access to clean water, and other public interests seems logical. The Land Bank now has a proven track record of managing funds competently and providing tangible benefits to us— let’s keep it going!”

Kit Ledbetter
Lopez Island
“As a former city Parks and Recreation Director a realize the importance of the work you are doing. I enjoy using the Land Bank parks and open space. ”

Jennifer Kaden
San Juan Island
“The Land Bank's work to preserve open spaces cannot be underestimated. In doing so, it benefits all islanders. As a parent of two sons who have worked alongside Land Bank stewards when they volunteered in San Juan Island Conservation Corp and one son who completed his FHHS senior project by helping make Mt Grant ADA accessible (from my knowledge, the only trail on SJI that is safe for wheelchairs), I have observed Land Bank's work with island youth community outreach. Land Bank stewards not only are role models for our island youth, they are mentors. The trails that we use currently and trails that we hiked together as a family when our sons were young, were trails that were managed by the Land Bank. Our family hikes became a way of strengthening the connection with our sons. The benefit that we had/have should be made available for future islanders, especially island youth. ”

Graham Crawbuck
San Juan Island
“People don't come to the San Juans to see developed shoreline and hillsides dotted by houses. They come to enjoy the wildlife, scenic farmland, and access to public lands. I'm reminded of just how beautiful San Juan County is whenever I go home to visit my family, and I feel so lucky to call San Juan Island my original home. Thank you to the Conservation Land Bank for protecting the land and way of life for generations to come. ”

Judy Cumming
San Juan Island
“I was fortunate enough to endorse the Land Bank in the initial authorization in 1990.”

Robin Reid
San Juan Preservation Trust (board)
Lopez Island
“My family paid the Land Bank REET 26 years ago when we bought our place on Lopez. We were delighted to do so. Why? We loved the opportunity to live in a community that so cares for its land and people that it would create a Land Bank to accelerate conservation and access for all. The Land Bank does this not just for our family, but for the children of all families and all species for all time. The Land Bank is an example of the best of us: caring, innovative and forward-looking people taking care of our lands and waters for ourselves and all future generations.”

Cady Davies
San Juan Island
“I love the trails and access to land that has been preserved and not subdivided into housing units. Thank You!”

Pamela Pauly
Lopez Island
“I really appreciate that we are working to protect pieces of land that the public can appreciate whether farming or walking or shoreline or old growth or pieces that might otherwise be developed in a way that would not reflect the existing culture of nature and wildlife and low impact.

Especially for those who don’t have the means to own their own piece of this paradise

With the cost of land as high as it has is this is the best way to create public lands.”

Toby Cooper
Orcas Island
“Appreciate the Land Bank for saving our open spaces, forest lands, wetlands, and wildlife habitat for all to enjoy.”

Carl de Boor
Orcas Island
“It further strengthens the community spirit.”

Katy Nollman
San Juan Island
“Land Bank properties enhance my experience of living on the island many times a week. I strongly support their efforts!”

Sam & Ruthann Lockwood
Lopez Island
“The work of the Land Bank is critical in this day and age.”

Abe Gates
Watmough Bay Farm
Lopez Island
“Preserving rural character of our islands.”

Jim Nollman
San Juan Island
“A+ rating. Protects land from development. Personally, I find no better places to take daily walks in nature than on land bank trails. ”

Dianne Pressenda
Lopez Island
“I have been a supporter of the Land Bank since before it was first voted on. I went to Olympia with Tom Cowan as a realtor in support of this. We need to keep open spaces for wildlife and everyone to enjoy.”

Bill Evans
Lopez Island
“The Land Bank is, and has been, instrumental in protecting the beauty of the San Juan Islands that has drawn so many of us to love and call this place home. The concept of losing the Land Bank, and potentially selling off these protected spaces is unimaginable. If we are to maintain the beauty and culture of our islands, it's crucial that we continue to support the Land Bank and its mission.”

Peter Fisher
Peter C Fisher Gallery
Orcas Island
“Citizens of San Juan County voted for the Land Bank in 1990, 1999 and 2011 to create the future for our islands that we want to live in – where development is balanced by conservation. The problem foreseen in the 1980's of all lots potentially developed at buildout directly funds the solution of saving open space for public enjoyment and environmental protection.”

Joseph Franetic
San Juan Island
“I have lived on San Juan Island for 26 years and every year I appreciate the Conservation Land Bank more, I made landfall on San Juan Island sailing from Japan and became intrigued with its beauty and community. When I learned about the Land Bank it was even more of an incentive to me to stay here and have a land base. It's unique to find a place with an organization that works to preserve the nature and beauty of where we live and give everyone places to enjoy where we live from the West side, Mount Grant, Turtleback, and also helps preserve farmlands. We live in a wondrous place and the Land Bank helps keep the place where we live special. We all need to support the Land Bank.”

Lisa Byers
Executive Director
OPAL Community Land Trust
“The renewal of the Land Bank REET is needed to continue the work of improving the health of the islands’ ecosystem, to increase resiliency in the face of Climate Change and to help provide access to clean water.  In addition, the REET for affordable housing will only continue if the REET for land conservation is renewed, and our human community needs more affordable housing for the community to function.”

Weyshawn Koons
San Juan Island
“The Land Bank ensures we gave green space for generations to come! They support our essential farming community and enhance our quality of life. Thank you!”

Ellen Evans
Lopez Island
“Funding for acquisition and maintenance of conservation lands open to the public.”

Bonnie Burg
Bonnie Burg LICSW, LLC
Orcas Island
“I believe in the mission of the Land Bank and would hope support from local, state and other organizations would continue to endorse and further the mission.”

Stephanie Solien
Orcas Island
“We need the land bank renewal to protect our land and water and to safeguard affordable housing funding in our county. Renewal of the land bank, insures a good quality of life for all!”

Ron Zee
The Madrona Institute
San Juan Island
“The San Juan Islands are widely-known for their unparalleled natural beauty. To preserve this beauty, the efforts of organizations like the San Juan County Conservation Land Bank are essential. As the only Land Bank in Washington, we need to renew its mandate to ensure its conservation efforts continue for many years to come.”

Cristin Felso
San Juan Island
“I care deeply about protecting our local and global plants and animals and their natural habitats and preserving beautiful places where humans can appreciate and connect with nature.”

Bill Engle
San Juan Island
“Other than schools and fire departments, I can’t think of a better use for taxpayer dollars. ”

Nick and Susie Teaque
Whispers of Nature LLC
Lopez Island
“The SJC land Bank protects critical and unique habitat while providing access to many of these places for locals and visitors alike to connect to nature and place. As working class citizens, we truly appreciate the role the Land Bank also plays in working towards affordable housing. They are an important piece of keeping the San Juan Islands sustainable and available to all ”

Stephanie Smith
Holly B's Bakery
Lopez Island
“As a business owner I see the direct result of lack of staffing related to lack of affordable housing. As a community member, I'd like to see all members of our community have access to affordable and safe housing, which in turn helps supports a vibrant community. Through the efforts of the land bank we can continue to fund affordable housing, as well as protect beautiful and unique lands for all of us to enjoy.”

Franklin Greer
Orcas Island
“Renewing our Land Bank provides clean water, healthy forest and a better quality of life for all!”

Joe Symons
Orcas Island
“It's essential. Buyer % should step up every 2 years to 5%.”

Michael "MJ" Johnson
Orcas Island
“To preserve land throughout the county.”

Willy Borner
Shaw Island
“Turn the clock back 34 years. Imagine the Land Bank didn't get formed. Imagine what our world around us would look like today!


Ethna Flanagan
Orcas Island
“A resident for 22 years that loves to walk and enjoy the land bank trails. It’s important we conserve these natural areas to sustain ecological balance.”

William Cook
Waldron Island
“It will require organizations with the purposes of the Land Bank if the San Juans are not to be destroyed by commodification.”

Jennifer Johnson Fralick
Orcas Island
“When we moved to Orcas in 1981, the beach at Eastsound was private, no walking Crescent Beach, no hiking Turtleback Mountain, and public access to land with a view was a dream, outside of Moran and State Parks.

Today my granddaughter can walk beaches and hike Turtleback.

The Land Bank has thoughtfully created public access for us and our grandchildren to hike in preserved forests, walk natural beaches and share the dream which brought us all to live here.

It has been an amazing process over years and legalities.

We voters must continue the Land Bank mission, knowing the natural environment is priceless and irreplaceable. We will support our precious piece of heaven to be saved long after we are gone.

It is the right thing to do. Read about what the Land Bank serves and brings to low income housing, water and land preservation and more.

You can be proud to say Yes!

I am !”

Molly Roberts
Orcas Island
“Saving open space for public enjoyment and environmental protection" - this quote from my friend Peter Fisher says it well!

Mary Clure & Lisa Wolford
Orcas Island Realty
“We support affordable housing and the work of SJC Land Bank.”

Lauralei Combs
San Juan Island
“Affordable housing and conservation.”

Bob Gamble & Winnie Adams
Orcas and Waldron
“It's a no brainer. It helps keep our property taxes down and helps affordable housing”

Tillie Scruton
Waldron Island
“The Land Bank is one strategy for buffering our county against some of the detrimental effects of the extreme growth we are experiencing. If we plan ahead we can retain some of the aspects of San Juan County that we love: communities that contain economic diversity and year-round families with children; a landscape that includes agrarian open space; and waterways that can support abundant life.”

Sarah Severn
San Juan Island
“The Land Bank has done incredible work to protect some of our best viewsheds, shorelines, and farms from development, keeping the places we love accessible to all islanders and visitors, and ensuring habitat for our non human species. Without the Land Bank the islands would not have retained their unique character, and would be overbuilt like so many other places. The affordable housing REET was also a much welcomed move given how housing costs have escalated.”

Teri Linneman
Lopez Island
“I regularly hike and picnic in the preserves. I support wildlife and bird conservation and the Land Bank preserves are wonderful places to enjoy wildlife. Land Bank property is for future generations. ”

Howard Barbour
Orcas Island
“Preservation of open spaces, and the housing REET.”

Paul Brentson
Lopez Island
“The lack of affordable housing on the island makes it extremely difficult for most of the actual worker force and young families on the island to find adequate living spaces. Even entry level professionals cannot afford to live here, and that has to change if we don't want to become an elitist, retirement community.”

Ed Suij
Orcas Island
“To preserve the quality if for all living creatures on these islands, ( human and non human)”

Susan Bull
Lopez Island
“nature, water, farms, affordable housing”

Andrew Bull
Lopez Island
“The existing work speaks for itself. It’s amazing that this hasn’t been copied by other counties. It makes me proud to be a part time Lopez resident - heading to full time.”

Amy Frost
Lopez Island Historical Society
Lopez Island
“The SJCCLB has preserved several parcels on Lopez Island that not only preserve open space for public enjoyment and ecological value, but are also places of historical value. Without the Land Bank, these precious resources would have passed into private hands and become unavailable for preservation of historical assets, educational programs, or interpretation. As an individual who values history, and working for an organization with the safeguarding of San Juan County history at its core, I see the Land Bank as a key player in keeping the unique stories of Lopez Island and San Juan County from being erased under new development or hidden behind fences and No Trespassing signs.”

Deborah Martyn
Orcas Island
“I feel it is important to preserve, maintain and protect the diversity of our wild spaces and all the beings who live therein. I feel it is essential to have the energy, the soul, the heart, the beauty, the knowing, of honoring Life this way. Supporting this nurtures the Health and Balance of Life in the islands and the world. Thank you.”

Susan Bauer & Steve Bernheim
Orcas Island
“Steve and I feel quite lucky to live in a state where land-banks can hold unique power - the power to ensure our scarce land is stewarded according to our County’s natural preservation goals. It’s a gift to be cherished and enjoyed by residents and visitors alike but most of all to be protected.”

Chris Evans & Rusty Diggs Family
Orcas Island
“Our daughters grew up with a rare appreciation of nature and understanding of the value of stewarding and caring for our precious natural resources. Our family has been able to continue living here because we have a OPAL home, where we share in the ownership and stewardship of community land with our neighbors. Renewing OUR land bank assures more families like ours are part of this amazing community.”

Tina Whitman
Friends of the San Juans
Orcas Island
“Open space is important for the health of people and nature. The Land Bank plays an important role in protecting our community of islands for the future.”

David Zoeller
Orcas Island
“The Land Bank reflects the best of our community: taking care of each other, taking care of our home. I support it wholeheartedly.”

Jane Marshall
Lopez Island
“When I purchased my own property and home here I was surprised by the 1% county tax but as I have lived here for some time, I am proud to be a part of supporting sustainable systems for wild lands, farms, and housing now and in the future! It is a beautiful plan and it is essential for those who work on the island like I do and those who love visiting the beaches, county parks and wild lands. I am grateful to those who had the foresight to preserve these spaces.”

Mike Taylor
San Juan Island
“Proven track record of inclusive conversation”

Mollie Montgomery
Camp Nor'wester/Henderson Camps, Board Chair
Johns Island
“Camp Nor'wester/Henderson Camps has been in the San Juan Islands, in three locations, for 90 years. Originally located at Westcott Bay on San Juan, then Sperry Peninsula on Lopez, we have called Johns Island our home since 2000. Over the decades campers and staff have learned the importance of living in the natural world and respecting the environment. Out-camp multi-day trips through rural, undeveloped areas within the San Juans are an integral and critical part of their experience and the Camp's mission. We can't imagine the islands without the SJC Land Bank as a resource that helps to preserve these natural areas which provide a unique opportunity for our youth.”

Chris & Vicki Brems
Orcas Island
“For us, the Land Bank was a smart idea 34 years ago and makes even more sense looking ahead. The one-time, one-percent investment by everyone buying property in the islands safeguards special places with long-term benefits for both residents and visitors. And the added half-a-percent for affordable housing helps answer a pressing need and keeps our communities healthy. We’ll enthusiastically vote “YES!”

Katie Fleming
San Juan Island
“The lands you preserve and steward are a huge piece of what makes San Juan County special to my family. They are also critical in protecting important ecosystems that hold valuable resources, such as healthy forests and clean water. Our human community and natural environment wouldn’t be the same without the important work of the Land Bank!”

Jim Vedder
San Juan Island
“The Land Bank helps keep our island beautiful. Land is preserved for everyone to enjoy. I love that about the Land Bank.”

Dan Grausz
San Juan Island
“Strong supporter of land conservation and of San Juan Islands Preservation Trust. Also a member of Home Trust Board of Directors.”