Photo: Suzana Roach

Land Bank News


Boxed Out host Amanda Lynn welcomes Lincoln Bormann, Director of the San Juan County Conservation Land Bank. The conversation investigates the ways that conversation and affordable housing organizations in the County interact.

San Juan Islands Conservation District is excited to announce a fundraising initiative to support the Youth Conservation Corps Winter Program. The campaign aims to raise $9,400 and will be featured during the San Juan County Fair from August 15 to 18.

The Islands’ Sounder

Friends of the San Juans’ Board of Directors is proud to officially and unanimously endorse the renewal of the 1% Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) paid by home buyers, which will be on the November 2024 ballot.

Friends of the San Juans

The Journal of the San Juan Islands

Saturday, Aug. 3, Island Rec, the Conservation Land Bank and the San Juan Preservation Trust will celebrate a short and significant new trail connection between John O. Linde Community Park and the eastern portion of Beaverton Marsh Preserve. A 72-foot boardwalk links Linde Park’s newest paved path to the Land Bank’s freshly constructed Redtail trail – a half-mile gravel loop dotted with valley vistas.


Interview of Lincoln Bormann, conducted on Tuesday, July 16, 2024 by Heather Spaulding, Editor of the Journal of the San Juans, and CNL2’s Jeff Noedel.

The Orcasonian

The Land Bank real estate excise tax (REET) is up for renewal and will be on the ballot this Fall. The Orcas Island Community Foundation Board is endorsing continuing this REET, as it provides funding to the Land Bank for preservation and conservation of land throughout the islands. On Orcas they steward Turtle Back, Coho, and soon to be open North Shore Preserve, among many others.

San Juan County Washington

SAN JUAN COUNTY, WA. July 22, 2024 – Saturday, August 3, Island Rec, the Conservation Land Bank and the San Juan Preservation Trust will celebrate a short and significant new trail connection between John O. Linde Community Park and the eastern portion of Beaverton Marsh Preserve. A 72-foot boardwalk links Linde Park’s newest paved path to the Land Bank’s freshly constructed Redtail trail - a half-mile gravel loop dotted with valley vistas.

In 1990, citizens of San Juan County sought to protect vital water, forests, and farmland within the islands as development began to expand. This movement ultimately resulted in the creation of a 1% real estate excise tax (REET).

The San Juan Preservation Trust

Join the San Juan County Conservation Land Bank every third Thursday evening at 6:30pm, July through September, for an opportunity to spend time on Land Bank trails with local health care professionals. This free event is a pilot program to promote health and well-being through physical activity, health education, and social connection.

San Juan County Land Bank News

A team of 50 islanders is hard at work ensuring voters say ‘Yes’ in November to renew funding to keep the San Juan County Conservation Land Bank protecting and maintaining conservation areas in the county. If the measure passes at the polls, a separate source of funding for local affordable housing would also be preserved.

The Orcasonian

Photo by Suzana Roach

The Islands’ Sounder

The San Juan County Conservation Land Bank held two events on Orcas Island the last weekend of June, focused on forest management at Crescent Beach Preserve near Eastsound.

The Journal of the San Juan Islands

If the Land Bank receives the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation grant, part of the funding will go towards purchasing kilns for creating biochar.

The Islands’ Sounder

Close to 60 acres on the north shore of Orcas Island are undergoing a comprehensive overhaul in preparation for public access.

San Juan County is the only county in the state that has a county organization that acquires land for conservation. The San Juan County Conservation Land Bank is funded by a 1% real estate tax (REET) paid by the buyers of real estate.

Salish Current